Two weeks ago we posted this stat:
Today’s stat is:
Target is 2500 before the premiere in July! We then can do awesome stuff the rest of the year :)
The fast increase is mostly because of us emailing people who pledged to join Cloud during last year’s campaign. Some people might have received a mail double (or a reminder, while they renewed already). Sorry for that!
I was reading the stats update for april 9th. There is a statement that the goal by July is 2500….shouldn’t that be 25,000 instead…if not, the current stats indicate that you’ve exceeded the goal by 14000+….or am I reading something wrong?
Oh, I guess the 2500 is ” # of subscribers” goal, not monthly income…sorry about that…didn’t understand what 2500 you were referring to…
also, I was wondering if I could pay for a cloud subscription with a US Postal Money Order…I don’t trust the online banking security on my end and generally prefer paying for remote purchases via prepaid Postal Money Orders rather than exposing my local bank account online. My bank recently had a problem with hacking that affected online banking users, luckily my method spared access to my account.
If this is not possible, I will have to defer my subscription till I can find a more trustworthy channel on my end…perhaps Apple Pay? (I think Paypal requires bank account info. to create account, and for the same reasons I don’t trust the online security at my bank yet, I’d rather not use Paypal either).
We don’t have such money orders in the Netherlands.
Credit card payment goes usually fine. No bank info needed?
(Apple Pay and Google Pay didn’t roll out for Netherlands yet)