On a moody Monday morning, an atmospheric fog settled over Amsterdam…and Cosmos Laundromat director Mathieu Auvray thought to himself: “This reminds me of Franck’s sheep island!” So he took advantage of the misty weather to capture some reference footage with his GH13 and Franck stand-in Manu Järvinen. Mathieu then set to work testing color grading […]
20 January, 2015 | 4
Today Gabriel ‘eibriel’ Caraballo arrived in the studio. In the past years he’s worked as lead TD for the Kiribati film project in Argentina, responsible for the pipeline, asset/project software, and making sure Blender fits into the overall production well. Gabriel will be working for two months with Francesco on our own pipeline, especially making […]
19 January, 2015 | 13
This week brought with it a new pilot intro, footage of the voice actors bringing the characters to life, increasingly polished models and animations, and more. Watch the full weekly show-and-tell in the video right here, or just skip to the highlights below! This Week’s Highlights A Whole New Opening Not only has the […]
17 January, 2015 | 13
We need another Gooseberry team member here, to work with as a character animator in our animation team with Hjalti and Sarah. Requirements: Available to work full-time in Amsterdam for the working period (at least March-August) EU citizen, and/or has a valid working and residence permit for the Netherlands Has a public portfolio of own animation […]
Making Of,Meet the Team,Pipeline
16 January, 2015 | 12
Gooseberry Character Modeler Angela Guenette has spent the past months building models for all the Cosmos Laundromat characters from her studio in Montreal. Now that all the character models are finalized, Angela would like to share with all of you her process…and also her experience of what it’s like to be a part of the […]
Blender Tools,Pipeline,Production
15 January, 2015 | 18
Several 2d animators and story(board) artists have been reporting exciting results with the upgraded “Grease Pencil” annotation tool in Blender. What started as a quick way to add notes in the viewport has now grown into a powerful animation tool for sketching storyboards — and even final animations. Matias Mendiola, who worked here on Cosmos […]
14 January, 2015 | 2
As all the characters go into final grooming in 3D, this week Art Director Sarah (aka the Queen of the Gooseberry Jungle) prepares for her own work on Franck’s caterpillar form … by painting on the details in 2D first! See how she does it stroke by stroke (with a lot of experience and skill, natch) in this 4-minute timelapse […]
13 January, 2015 | 4 Gallery
Blender Institute: Tuesday, January 13th, 6:30pm. Everyone’s still busy. In order of appearance: Nicholas, Lukas, Ton, Elysia, Manu, Andy, Sarah, Pablo, Mathieu, Hjalti, and Francesco . (Antony is on holidays!)
12 January, 2015 | 6 Gallery
Does anyone else still feel weird writing 2015? But, indeed, the new year is upon us — and with it a new weekly! Check out where the project and the gang are as Cosmos Laundromat heads into production in the first weekly wrap-up of 2015 (45 minutes long this time)…or just skip to the highlights […]
12 January, 2015 | 3 Gallery
Last Thursday and Friday we recorded the main character voices in (radio & tv) Studio Desmet, just around the corner here. Instead of locking actors up in booths with headphones and a microphone, we decided to find a recording studio with enough space for actors to move around freely – using headsets and several microphones […]